[The feed opens to show Chimera the Tyranitar's face taking up the whole screen. How exactly does a dinosaur work the Gear? The answer is very carefully. Either way, Chimera seems extremely upset about something.]
My trainer, he fell asleep and won't wake up! It's not like before with the Shedinjas…I would have stopped them if it was.
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[Still, it takes him a bit to actually find Envy. Ecruteak's outskirts are a good size, and it's the massive Tyranitar that really gives Envy's position away. Even so, France barrels towards the prone body, screaming.]
Please don't be dead. I don't know if we can die if we're already dead, but please don't be dead -
[After a moment, Chimera approaches again, lowering his head to look back and forth from France to Envy sadly. You're a human so that means you can help him right?]
[Chimera sits patiently, watching France check Envy over. When it looks like he's finished, Chimera leans to lightly nudge the side of his shoulder.]
Seems safe to move him.
[He curls his hands into Envy's shirt, breathing deeply.]
Just... give me a moment...
Can you grab his legs and help me carry him? I don't want to jostle him too much.
[He tilts his head again at France, making a low sound that sort of resembles a croon. Don't worry, everything will be alright, won't it?]
Okay. We need to get him to the Center...
[He looks slightly around Chimera, spotting the red building a ways off but directly behind them if they go in a straight line. He nods in that direction.]
We just need to head back that way.
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