I'm going to need a Revenge icon at this rate, won't I? I watched yesterday's "Revenge" as soon as I could convince myself that the sun was over the yardarm and it was respectable to watch TV. And a couple of hours later, since I had work to not-do, I said what the hell, and watched last week's VampDi. And it occurs to me that Emanda's voiceovers are just about as risible as Stefan's diary entries, which at least creates hope that they will be dispensed with as quickly.
One of the cases on the Supreme Court calendar this term challenges the fabled reliability of eyewitness testimony, and I have to confess that not only are the events of the first few minutes of the Revenge pilot episode designedly murky, I'm not quite sure if I remember correctly what I saw. Of course I could simply re-watch in light of my six-episodes-in enhanced knowledge of events, but somehow that seems unfair--I think I'll wait to see it spool out.
Spoiler cut!
A good deal of commentary on Revenge centers around predicting where the network will or won't go, so I was glad to see that the Tyler/Nolan Went There. (TyleNol? Analgesic to some viewers, toxic to others.) I didn't sign up for Three Ships, but there is certainly material for Jack/Nolan/Emanda sandwiches.
The morning line seems to be that the network will draw the line at incest, which is sort of a shame, given the vast numbers of options. They could go all Castle of Otranto and Emanda can find out that Daniel was her brother only after screwing *and* killing him or getting him killed. It does seem mildly more plausible that Charlotte is Emanda's half sister (i.e., David's daughter) than that Daniel is David's son. Charlotte could be Frank's daughter, though, giving point to the interview statement about "the birth of our son...and Charlotte," as in "What you mean WE, white guy?"
It has been suggested that Amily actually *owns* the strip club. Perhaps, given various speculations about Tyler's relationship, if any, to Harvard B-school, she's working her way through Columbia Med.
And, while it certainly was easy for Frank to get into the warden's office, the whole operation looked pretty bare bones. It would be a hoot if it was the storage unit where Emanda stashed the kidnapped shrink, with just a little additional set dressing.
No Sammy in this episode, perhaps because TPTB will put up with a certain amount of ridicule but won't stand for their canine star being called Count Dogula.
When Nolan located himself at Kinsey 3, it occurred to me that, since just about every declarative statement ever made by any character is a lie, that probably was too, although I don't know if I'm betting the over or the under. Although now I'm sort of wondering how close David was to his protege, if you see what I mean--Nolan was old enough to be at MIT when he got his great idea, whatever it may have been.
Stop me before I cross over again:
"It's not home, but it's much," Nolan said, handing over his hostess gift (a bottle of pre-phylloxera Armagnac and a flex-straw).
"Convenient single-serving packages," Damon said. "One of my favorite innovations of the nineteenth century."
I'd love to watch the two of them snipe at each other. And they could feed Declan to Stefan (the unspeakable in pursuit of the suddenly edible?) so it would be a win-win.