It'd Be A Good Name for a Video Game...

Jan 05, 2007 10:33

Moral Kombat

It's another beautiful look into the dangerous, destructive, and murderous world of video games! Bringing in such well-known and influential video game experts such as Senator Joe Lieberman and Florida nut job Tack "should-have-been-disbarred-years-ago" Jhompson! Looks like this is shaping up to be one very intelligent and unbiased look into video game violence!

Here are a few quotes I found particularly interesting:

"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful with who we pretend to be."

That's right! My dream of becoming Link is fast coming to fruition! As soon as I can find all the heart pieces, the Master Sword, maybe the blue armor to increase my defense, and the hookshot, there will be no stopping the death I will unleash upon the masses! With the Triforce of Courage at my side (I can get it tattoo'd to my hand), nothing will be able to stop me! And, of course, I certainly have only learned the part about smashing shit with my sword and beating helpless Cuccos, rather than deeper meanings of being the hero to defend the helpless against the evils of the world in whatever form they may come as! Go me!

"You literally enter into a world that is so realistic that we forget it's a make-believe world. Now, we're not there yet, but we keep getting closer." *move to clip of World of Warcraft orc* (I SHIT YOU NOT!)

I'll tell you what! When I played Rainbow Six: Vegas on the 14" television downstairs the other day, I honestly believed I was fighting terrorists in Las Vegas! What a shock it was to me when, at the level summary, I realized that, *shock*, I was still in my basement playing a video game!!! Oh well. From the training I recieved from that game, it's just a simple push of the L trigger to hide behind stuff, and then the R trigger to fire around the wall! Bring it on, terrorists! I'm ready for you!

"If you take a step back and you realize that people sat down in front of an equivalant of this, a flight simulator, and learned enough from a flight simulator to fly jets that they've never touched before into the World Trade Centers, what do you think happens when a nine year-old boy sits down and plays a first-person shooter video game that rewards him for killing cops?"

You tell them, member of the Bush administration, or so I would assume! No logic can beat patriotic logic! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11!

"There's gonna be a Columbine-like incident, maybe to the factor of ten, down the road. Then there's gonna be a [human?] cry within the halls of Congress and elsewhere to ban these games altogether." -Tack "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" Jhompson

(At this point, I'm really more frightened that he'll end up picking up some guns and shooting up a school himself than I am of high school students doing it. I think he's convinced himself that he'll be able to get away with it because he tried out Grand Theft Auto and just "couldn't help himself". For that reason, I will never live in Florida until he has died.) Right Tack! It was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve! No, wait... wrong random Biblical reference! Sorry, Tack! Just trying to be like you!

Boy howdy, does this look like a great film! Well, if you'll all excuse me, I need to go and retrieve the crystals to restore light to the world! Oh, no! It's just a video game! Ha ha ha!
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