Everything old is new again...

Apr 05, 2009 17:28

Yeah, I know, I haven't posted in ages, I kind of have a valid reason.

I moved, and got a new job. I told myself that I wasn't going to post until I had everything settled, but special circumstances have popped up.

Namely, the first episode of the new FMA.

Oh yes, that's right, FMA. I haven't watched an anime on TV in ages, and it feels good.

So, what to say, first of all, I have never read the manga, most of what I know about the manga is what I've learned through geek osmosis through my friends.

But I will say this, overall impresson; you can watch this show even if you've never read the manga or watched the original anime. But! But, if you have seen/read either of them, it's full of little hints and fan service for you. Heck, even in the opening alone I'm like, wait, they're showing that already?

Okay, first, a non-spoilery fangirly thing. 1. OMG! It was a good idea to keep the original Ed and Al voices, the first time you see them on screen and you hear those voices, OMG, I squeed. I'm trying to remember how much of the original cast came back, I know Roy is different, but what about Hughes and co.? Also, the opening story, while I don't know if it copies the first story of the manga, is completely different from the anime, which is good, so good. And, it seems to lay out a lot of the early plot right away. Though, we are going to get the flashback arc starting from next week.

The art, something about it seems less polished, which is strange since it's the same studio, but I get the feeling it's to make it echo the manga more. Even Ed and Al's chibi moments feel a lot more manga in style, actually, all of the humor gags come across as animated manga panels. Overall, it's not a problem, except in the opening animations, it just feels to rough for me. They do have some good moments, but, I guess Ed jumping off the waterfall in the fourth OP can never be topped. *sigh*

Oh, and the music, I was totally taken aback about them using YUI for the op. Not that it's bad, but in a way, it's like they tried to go with a female artist for the OP to seem different from the first anime, but not too different, as the style of the song is still heavy on the guitars. Also, the ED is done by an all guy band, Cid, making it a complete flip from how the first series OP and ED matched up,

Okay, first of all, they waste no time introducing characters we all now and love. We not only get to see our intrepid heroes, but we get to see Roy, Hawkeye, Hughes(SQUEE!). Armstrong (*SPARKLES*), King Bradley, Lust, Gluttony, Kimbley (OMG YAY!) and even a hint of Hoho-papa. That's just in the ep. in the OP we get treated to Scar, Envy, Greed and more obvious Hoho-papa. This show is definitely putting things out there for older fans for sure.
The main plot of this episode was about a former state alchemist, Dogal? or something, who used water/ice who had something to do with the Ishbal rebellion and was out to kill Bradley. Of course this is why we get gratuitous Kimbley in the first episode. And they so did for the fans, as the first shot of him is have his hands.
Okay, segue, Kimbley is one of the favorite characters of the first anime series, he appeals to the part of me that loves watching Higurashi for the bat-shit crazy and violence. The same part of me that also loves Akio from Utena. Needles to say, sometimes, this part of myself worries me. Also, I don't know if it's the same VA, but if it is, they got down the crazy voice.
Also, they are setting us up for Hughes-WHAM already, not only did we get Huges/picture of Elisha, but we got the Elric boys going to his house for dinner. ;_________; DAMN YOU BONES!!! It kind of sucks when you know it's coming.
Sadly, Hawkeye only had like one line this episode. But, it was a good one. Quality over quantity, very Hawkeye.
And, we get no pretense and go straight into King Bradley is a creepy/scary MOFO.
We also get lots of Ed rage, lots of Ed rage, with Ed's chibi-rage face. It made me happy. Also, we get to see him using alchemy to repair his coat after it was dramatically ripped to reveal the auto-mail. For some reason, this made me so happy. Also, Al keep a little black notebook of all the foods he's going to eat once he gets his body back. AL!!! <3
Actually, almost everything Al says/does in the this Ep. = <3
 Oh, and the ED animation, I forgot to mention it, it's drawn like children's storybook and is fsking adorable, they even at
one point have a kitty pop out of Al's armor. <3

I am so glad to have FMA back.  Though I know this time the story will be different, as long as Ed and Al remain as awesome as they were, I'm ready to sit back and enjoy this ride.

And, once my apartment isn't 50% boxes I'll make a post about all this moving shizzle.

fma, fangirl, anime, squee

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