[Link has just learned from the Major how to lock his transmissions. Not only that, but he's also learned how to use the video feature whenever he wants! You know what this means, right?]
Hey Zelda!
[Only it isn't Zelda who is receiving this message. Link never was the most careful person when it comes to writing or typing, and that's kind of
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No, I want this to go to Zelda.
Hey, I thought you said this lock thing was supposed to keep other people from seeing this.
Second, the level of security I taught you is roughly equivalent to hanging a "keep out" sign on the door. It won't stop anyone who really wants to come in.
Then how do I-
Wait, what? What do you mean, Ganon's getting this?!
[Guess which one is on your post, bucko?]
[Guess who hasn't realized that's exactly who he's talking to in the thread above the Major's. Speaking of which...]
Whoops, gotta go meet someone. Can I talk to you about how to fix this later?
[If you live.]
[Off to go do something stupid!]
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