I know I'm not very good at taking photographs or scanning, and I will never claim to be. I just like how none of these people shied away or hid their faces when I took out my camera. I could never imagine having the confidence to do that myself. My mom says she is going to purchase a book she saw for my sister and I on how to love yourself. I don't believe it will provide us with much more than a few laughs.
Today I wore a scarf on my head because my hair is quite disgusting. I got treated quite differently. Later, I wondered if people thought I had cancer. I remember the catologues my mom used to get for hats, scarves, and wigs. I used to look through them because I wanted to hat collection to rival Alex Mack's. My mom bought us matching ones for Christmas that year. I've hidden it deep within my closet now. It reminds me of too much.