(I've x-posted this on
dears , so you can comment there (if/when it's posted) or here if you like. ^^)
I was going to make this post when the European tour was a bit closer, but I have this sudden urge (XD) to do it now, so here goes...
I've been reading the comments posted in
mixi by the Japanese fans who attended YFC lives,
and..... people,
Read more... )
this has nothing to do with anything
*goes on a rescue mission to save Colleen*
... Why do I keep getting back on here? O_O *doesn't have time for this*
Ahhh, livejournal, yo
I had the mouse over the post comment button, and somehow while i was typing... i pressed it XD
Ahhh, livejournal, you and your addictiveness... pulls me back in every time.
saaaaveee meeeeeeee
The less time I have, the more time I waste with Mr. LJ. =___=
*gets a shovel and hands one to Colleen, proceeds to bury LJ 6 feet under*
*needs to stop panicking*
Not a great idea, but better then me trying it right now.
*takes shovel and starts helping*
Why are you feeling so crappy, sweetie?? =|
And i need to eat more *sigh* but I can't stand up long enough to cook something before I feel ill, I managed to make some cream of wheat... But the nausea from the low blood sugar thing makes eating make me fill even more ill.
It's rather counter productive, since eating is the only thing that will help... *snacking on pretzels to hopefully get me awake enough to be able to drive to the grocery store since there's no food here*
Then I need to rig the frames so they can go on the wall in the library, clean up the kitchen, do the dishes, wash my clothes, take the dog on a walk, spend an hour on math, and... it's already 6pm.
*woke up at 3pm x_x*
ahhh, if only the damn monthly week of hell could have waited two more days... *always sleeps 3x more then normal while on it and then is constantly tired*
Geeez, I know what you mean. When she visits me, all I want to do is just lie down and let the world go past me while I'm oblivious to all the worldly responsibilities....
But you really should eat~!!! ><
Can't the dog take a day off from walking? 9_9 Just let it outside in the backyard to go poopoo-peepee?
"it's already 6pm"
I looked at the clock on my Mac with disbelief!! XD
I'm terribly behind with my work, too. I was supposed to be done by now, but NOPE. Mr. LJ was even more seductive yesterday than usual. =____=
Yeah, Neil says it all. That's how I'm feeling, too!!
Let's not panic, Colleen, we can DO THIS~~~~!!!!!! :DD;;;
I may have no choice but to make her wait longer though T-T
My poor doggy *hugs her*
It really doesn't feel so late O_O;;;
Granted, I've only been up for about 4 hours, but... still XD
okay, we can do! WE CAN DO IT!
maybe after a nap...
I can push everything until later tonight, except the grocery store... hmmm
*may just push that until her mom gets back and make her do it*
I should probably give her a bath to help with the shedding soon O_O
Do you have a doggie?
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