Sep 15, 2004 19:25
I wrote this...yesterday I think and I kinda like it. It's pretty sad and creepy. I guess I kinda wrote it like a break-up poem but you can infer different things when you read it so...enjoy.
P.S. It dosen't have I if you have a suggestion, just tell me.
Poison slips slowly
Through my veins
Weakened by the unforgivable toxins
I can go no further
I’m at a loss
Bitter resentment
Channels my mind
Controls my thoughts
Increases my pain
Angry at my own faults
It’s too late now
I’m lying beneath a tree
Waiting for someone to find me
I can’t find the cure
Repulsed by my wound
I want it to go away
You were the one to put it there
A mark on my heart
My senses are dead
I feel nothing
The world is turning black
There are people all around
But I know I’m alone
I can only see you’re face
I need you next to me
Death creeps slowly up to me
No one can stop it
No one can see it
Engulfed in darkness
The poison has finally gotten to me
A long awaited misery
Has found a home in me
My last thoughts are the words you said
The words that infected me
The words that killed me
The last vision I see is a face
Your face
Into the face of my murderer
I can only feel one thing
One thing that will never change
With the last of my shattered breath
I whisper gently to your face
“I love you”