(no subject)

Apr 21, 2006 19:24

endoscopies are the pitts. I'm internally bleeding, I'm sure, because it feels like I'm being stabbed. with a really sharp knife. it's fantastic. also, I went to a pediatric hospital because I'm not 16 yet, and this lady came over to me and asked me if I wanted to color or something. I almost said yes, but then shelster gave me a look of shame and I was too embarrassed. then these other ladies made me get a pregnancy test because I am of "child-bearing age." that's weird to think about. and I discovered that laughing gas is the greatest invention known to human-kind. even though I don't do drugs, being on laughing gas made me want to.

I'm mad that I'm missing the film fest, last year it was cool beans to see all of the weird things that people made. I remember dpo's was funny just because it was dylan and andy and weird. and I remember that every time dylan got on the screen, everyone started cheering for him and it was cute.
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