Apr 27, 2005 08:43
I finally got my Marketing project finished last night. I was so happy it turned out good. I has to design a product and I chose to design a Manure Maid (like the litter Maid for cats) It would be awesome if the equine world could actually have this. Anyway, on another great note i got 100% on my Accounting quiz today. Accountings is really hard and that my first 100.
I rode Cupper yesterday to get the feel of him and OMG he is 100% opposite from Jimmy, It was a challenge. Missi and Karen were getting a kick out of it. I have to show him and Jimmy this weekend at Caves. I will be really tired Sunday. I hope it rains and the shows cancelled because it’s so far away. At least Lee is taking me and is excited. I already warned him it will be all day and he doesn't mind. I finally got him to understand how important showing is to me and Jimmy.
I want to go to Mexico but I wish lee could come to. Finals are the first week of May; I think they will be fairly easy. Well I have to get back to work if MKP knew I was typing and not working I would get beat. I have to ride tonight and Tan so I don’t know if I will get a chance to write but ill try.
Love Chas