"Just think of the cell as a french fry."

Jan 04, 2007 10:33


1. Hung out with? Alana when we had dinner together last night and chose a ringtone for me.
2. Rode in a car with? My dad and sister.
3. Went to the movies with? Jeez, I haven't gone to the movies in FOREVER. I guess Alana and Suzanne (The Prestige).
4. Went to the mall with? Suzanne for the Bath and Body Works sale last week.
5. Talked on the phone to? Kaitlin.
6. Made you laugh? Random stranger on LJ.
7. Last person you told and / or they told you they loved you? Marita.
8. Kissed you? N/A

Which would you rather do??

1. Pierce your nose or tongue? Nose.
2. Be serious or be funny? Depends on the situation.
3. Drink whole or skim milk? Skim. But only if 2% isn't available.
4. Die in a fire or get shot? Get shot. Easier to clean up for my funeral. I'm just considerate like that.
5. Spend time with your parents or enemies? ...Wait, they're not the same thing?


1. Do you like anyone? Kinda.
2. Sun or moon? Um...both?
3. Winter or Fall? Fall.
4. Left or right? Of what?
5. 10 acquaintances or two best friends? Two best friends.
6. Sunny or rainy? Sunny but not TOO sunny.
7. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? Either! Yay for ice cream.


1. What time is it? 10:39 am.
2. What's your first name? Amy.
3. Where do you wanna live? Seattle.
4. How many kids do you want? None, please.
5. Do you want to get married? Not at the moment.
6. Where do you want to get married? Dunno.
7. Current mood? Bored in genetics quiz section (we're going through introductions ._.)


1. Sang? Nope.
2. Been hugged? Don't think so.
3. Felt stupid? Yup.
4. Missed someone? Nope.
5. Danced Crazily? Nope.
6. Gotten your hair cut? No, but considering it.
7. Cried? Only from laughter/yawning.


1. Have you ever been searched by the cops? Nope.
2. Do you have a dog? Nope.
3. When's the last time you've been sledding? Last December.
4. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone? Depends on that someone else, of course.
5. Do you believe in ghosts? No, but I wanted to take a ghosthunting class at the Experimental College last quarter.
6. Do you consider yourself creative? Not particularly.
7. Who do you want to be with right now? I dunno. People?
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