May 02, 2007 03:51
Torn between the want to leave and want to stay.
But more than anything I want to be happy with where I am.
I just want to remember that being and feeling alive are the only things that matter when it comes down to it and feeling wanted/loved is more than enough.
Almost done with my first year and ridiculously ready for it to be over, yet it's hard to put a close on something you feel as though you haven't given your all or you haven't quite completed. I hope I never disappoint myself as much as I did this year and I hope I continue to fall more and more in love with UF each day. I want to stay in touch with some great people I met and I'm worried when I leave this for 3 months and come back everything will be different and I'll have to go through the adjustment stages all over again.
I need to get a job.
I need to take summer classes.
I need to get my GPA up ASAP.
I need to change my major to Food Science and Human Nutrition.
I need to sleep sometime this century.
I need to most of all be thankful and happy with what I do have.
I hope this summer kicks ass.