I feel very cold and lonely. But Ark (
cutmeownthroat) makes my day better. He is the frigging master of cheering people up. Ladies, ladies, ladies...date this boy.
Hooray for Ark. He rocks m'socks.
I really hate my damn parents. Really, I do. I just feel sick about things everytime I look at my mother. She's a fucking horrible bitch. I swear, if there was ever motivation to do well in college this time around, the prospect of never having to see her again is it. I cannot wait until she's out of my life for good.
And damnit, I left my cell phone at home today. I need to go find Natasha, she's got my damned Green Day CD (1,039/SOSH). She's burning copies of it, supposedly, but damn, Tasha, where are ya gonna be today?
...and yes, I know. Shame on me for listening to emo.