OOC - Character Information

Apr 24, 2015 23:26

Disclaimer: Almost entirely made up by the player, as there is practically no canon background for the character.

Real name: Carl Fei-Ong
Born: September 30, 1916
Actual age: 92, including the time he's been dead and going by the game's calendar. 89 or 90 otherwise.
Physical age: 12
Height: 137 cm (4'6")
Weight: 29 kg (64 lb)
Hair: Black
Eyes: Violet

Nationality: Vietnamese
Primary language spoken: French

General likes: Classic and influential literature, libraries, theatre, opera, blue roses, Victorian clothing, attention, piano
General dislikes: Humans, Chevaliers, flying things, modern pop culture, being experimented on

Favorite color: Blue
Least favorite color: White

Favorite food: Candy (acceptable flavors change from one day to the next), cake, chè hoa quả
Least favorite foods: Beets, zucchini, liver, artichokes... He'll hate almost everything for a day or so at some point. Luckily he doesn't actually have to eat.

Being abandoned

Miscellaneous facts:

→ Attended a French Catholic school in Hanoi, Vietnam.

→ Was a shy, smart, rule-abiding kid as a human, even if he would sometimes act a little bratty when he got flustered.

→ Childhood dream was to go to school in France.

→ Had no siblings; mother died when he was seven.

→ Has a little Chinese in his blood.

→ Speaks French, Vietnamese, English and Japanese; knows at least some German, Latin, Hebrew, Greek and Chinese.

→ Is ridiculously picky about food and will probably hate everything for at least one day.

→ Favorite foods are sweet things. Tends to overindulge terribly when he gets excited about something.

→ Enjoyed playing the piano before he lost his arm; now often resents those who can still play.

→ Doesn't sleep, and wishes he could.

→ Lost his virginity to Diva.

→ Is terrible in any sort of relationship because he's torn between wanting to exert his dominance over the other to keep from being hurt and wanting them to love him and think of him as an equal without being afraid.

→ Hates dealing with change and tends to seek out the familiar, even when he hates it and knows it's bad for him.

→ Hamlet may be his favorite of Shakespeare's plays, but he relates strongly to King Lear as well, particularly to the character of Edmund.

→ Middle name is Dinh.

→ First name was technically Canh when he was born and is written as such in Vietnamese script, but his parents always called him Carl instead in hopes of making it easier for him to be accepted into European society with a name that could be easily pronounced and remembered.

→ Can instantly place almost any Bible quotation he hears.

→ Has never worn a T-shirt.

→ Has never had a pet.

→ Still has his tonsils despite having had almost every organ in his body removed temporarily at one point or another.

→ Enjoys card games as a last resort when he's out of books and there's no chess set to be found.

→ Had excellent penmanship, but since losing his right arm, he's never adjusted very well to suddenly having to be left-handed; his handwriting is now extremely rough and shaky.

In Purgatorium:


Current residence: Upper Level with MakubeX, Watanuki, Tamaki, Riku, clone (May - present)

Former residence: Lower Level with Diva and Nathan (March - May)


Current employment: Runs the library on the Upper Level (October - present)

Former employment: Assistant manager and bookkeeper at MakubeX's shop (March - October)



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