Apr 29, 2021 15:46

Re: Covid, both C and I have (knock wood) managed to avoid infection. Well, so much for that. C and I did end up getting Covid, shortly after I posted my last entry. We both missed two weeks of work but, thankfully, our cases were mild and other than fatigue we aren't having lingering symptoms. Thankfully we were able to get our second dose of the vaccine without issue, but both of us experienced pretty severe side effects from that second shot. Two weeks post-second vaccine dose and, thank god, we're both feeling much better and seem to be back to normal.

The world feels relentlessly bad these days. Having Covid upended so many things, launching C into a state of painful financial uncertainty (he does not have paid time off from work and the company he is temping through is too large to be subject to the paid leave aspects of the FFCRA), the police killing 16 year-old Ma'Khia in Columbus, my own co-worker's son being shot and killed in an act of random gun violence last week, my step-sister being in the hospital with nervous system damage related to substance use, and another friend of mine dying by suicide. Things have felt hard and heavy. I'm grateful to have C in my life to share the load with.

On the positive side of things, now that I'm fully vaccinated, I'm looking to rebuild some semblance of a social life. Last night I was pleasantly surprised when AJ, someone I've known since high school, called me out of the blue. AJ fell off the map when we were kids, ditching our small Cleveland suburb for punk train hopping life (when we were teens he had a band called "Crack Your Fucking Skull.") This was just narrowly pre-cell phone, so most of us lost touch with him until he boomeranged back home many years later. By that time, he was in deep with drugs and had spent time in and out of prison. Now, he has two years of sobriety and works for a homeless outreach program practically around the corner from where I live. Sometimes I'll see him outside the church helping to (un)load their outreach van - it makes my heart expand and contract in a way I can't explain, to have someone who was so close to my own growing up experience come out the other side. It was so nice to talk to him yesterday and I think I'm going to have him over for dinner on Sunday. This entry was originally posted at There are currently
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