Jul 07, 2015 12:03



Tanabata is a Japanese festival that is started by a tale. In this tale, there is Orihime, the Weaver Girl and Hikoboshi, the Cow Herder. Orihime wove the most beautiful cloth, but because of how hard she worked, she worried she would never meet and fall in love with someone. Her father, the Sky King, then arranged for her to meet Hikoboshi. The two fell in love at first sight, and married soon after. However, because they were so enamored with each other, they weren't taking care of their duties! Orihime wasn't weaving cloth and Hikoboshi's cattle were straying everywhere. Because of this, the Sky King separated them on either side of the Heavenly River (known to us English speakers as the Milky Way) and forbade them to meet. Orihime was devestated and begged her father to let them meet again. Moved by her words, the Sky King allowed her and Hikoboshi to meet on the 7th day of the 7th month each year. However, when it was time for them to meet the first time, they couldn't cross for there was no bridge! Orihime cried so much, a flock of magpies promised to make a bridge with their wings so the lovers could meet.

There are five clues and five event cards. Each correct answer earns you the corresponding event card. Two of the questions have more than one correct answer, but you only need to provide one to earn the card.

    The Clues
  • Amanogawa: Many know I'm a galaxy instead of a river in this modern age, but what type of galaxy am I?
  • Hikoboshi: Cows might make tasty beef, but one country has a lot of people who hold cows sacred. In what country is it illegal to kill a cow?
  • Hoshi: There are many types of stars in the galaxy from relatively tiny dwarfs to mighty red giants. What type of star is the sun considered?
  • Orihime: My father adores the cloth I create. What device is my craft usually done on?
  • Tanzaku: Traditions at shrines throughought Japan have people writing wishes on me and hanging me on bamboo. Although my name's often translated to "ribbon," I'm actaully often made of what?


  • All members who have signed up for tcg_exchange before the deadline are eligible to participate in this event.
  • The deadline to submit your answers is Tuesday, July 14th at 11pm EDT. Comments submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
  • When submitting you answers, please tell me where you found them.
  • You don't have to submit all the answers to earn the event cards, and you don't have to put all the answers in a single comment. You may not edit your comments. Edited comments will be considered invalid even if the answers are correct.
  • I will periodically reply to let people know if they have the correct answers or not. Make sure you have comment notification TURNED ON as my replies to your answers will all be screened.

    . THE CARDS .


    Can be exchanged for two choice normal cards.

    Can be exchanged for one choice special card.

    Can be exchanged for two random normal event cards (excluding masterball or gs ball).

    Can be exchanged for one choice normal event card (excluding masterball or gs ball).

    Can be exchanged for one random holiday event card.


    In order to participate, comment to this post with the answers you've found. Make sure to include the following information:

    Name: The name you signed up to the TCG with.
    Card Post: A link to your card post.
    Answers: Your answers, and where/how you found them.

    Name: The name you signed up to the TCG with.
    Card Post: A link to your card post.
    Answers: Your answers, and where/how you found them.

    This event runs until the 14th of July at 11pm EDT. After that, new comments will be invalid.

    All comments to this post are screened.

    The event cards handed out during this event are unique and will never be handed out again.
    Have fun and happy hunting!
  • !2015, summer

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