There's Still Time to Become a Review Goddess!

Mar 03, 2013 22:44

Minerva, Goddess of wisdom and sponsor of arts, craft, and trade invites you to join her in the The Pantheon.

To earn exchange_bingo Review Goddess status you must review every gift posted during this round of the SSHG_Exchange including each chapter of multi-chaptered stories or art. Then submit your list of review links for each week's postings as a comment to the appropriate Mini-Review Round. For those of you who have been playing the Mini-Review Rounds, you already know the drill.

This time out, there has been no time limit on the Review Goddess entries. As long as you complete the reviews for all 6 Mini-Rounds, it does not matter when or in what order you submit them. As long as ALL your links lists are in by 11:59PM EST (New York) on Friday, March 15th!

The Fabulous Mini-Round Trackers and Submission Templates Post can help you keep track of the reviews needed for each week and all the forms and links to each Mini-Review Round post are included in the tracker post.

So, keep reviewing and you can be a goddess, too! There will be prizes for all Review Goddesses and Tim Tams will definitely be involved. (Yummm!!!)

But beware the Ides of March! Get your submissions in early to avoid bad luck.
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