Slytherin Mod is Grumpy.

Dec 13, 2012 08:38

She is surrounded by too much cheerfulness and she's worried that it's contagious.

Where are my snake-alicious homies, yo?

Because as far as I can see, none of them want to be Queen of Reviews.

One Gryffindor

One Ravenclaw

THREE Hufflepuffs.


If y'all have any sort of House Pride at all, you will get your review forms in by Sunday 11:59 pm EST (New York USA) December 16, 2012.

I'm looking at you, Slytherins.

Perhaps a little incentive would not be remiss?

(Decorative ornament by mama_pyjama)

Wouldn't that look pretty hanging in your window?

reminder, mini round one

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