Exchange Bingo Fun Post #2

Sep 26, 2011 10:58

How is everyone today? Still excited to read and review? So are we!

So excited that we created TWO ways to play.

Our new pride and joy is the


And we’re pleased to announce that dacian_goddess will be crafting a winner’s choice prize of an animated profile banner, icon set or ficlet for Round Two’s Queen of Reviews.

May we also point out that not everyone wins a prize in the Mini-Rounds?

It’s true. The Queen of Reviews is selected by lottery from each round’s entries, and everyone else will receive a spiffy banner. Spiffy banners are awesome, of course, but they’re not jewelry or home baked cookies, you know?

If you’d like to make your reviews count double, and assure winning a prize (mine, mine, mine) in addition to spiffy banners, there’s still plenty of time to sign up for (more) bingo cards at the introductory post

Harry implores you. Your Bingo win is at stake.

Confused? Missed our Mini- Round announcements? Go here to read all about it.

Now, for the REALLY FUN stuff!

First, a FANTABULOUS poll!
Poll Fun Poll #2

Are you a Sherlock fan? Do you read so much you have Subversa’s style memorized? Do you just fancy yourself a literary detective?

Well then, this is the game for you!

Just click on the star below to be transported to our handy google form, where you can enter your guesses for the creators of randomly chosen entries. Those guesses will be compiled, and a wrap up will be posted after reveals. This is strictly for fun and bragging rights -- all are welcome to have a go. Only correct guesses will be revealed- no shaming allowed.

And Last, but not least!

Speaking of fabulous prizes, we just posted the special prize for Mini Round One’s Queen of Reviews - mrs_helenesnape

And isn’t she a lucky duck? aurette really outdid herself!

Go read Haunting NOW!

Exchange Bingo Round Two Introduction Post
EB Round Two Sign up Form
Prize Ideas
Fabulous Graphics
How to Play Exchange Bingo
EB Round Two List of Prizes
How to Submit a Claim & List of Winners
Super Surprising Mini-Rounds Introduction
Mini-Round Two Entry Post
Lovedraughts Exchange Bingo Tracker

Have a blast, and remember - LIFE IS MORE FUN WITH GAMES.

guessing game, prize, mini round two, poll, ss/hg exchange, pimp

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