May 21, 2011 12:42

Hey everybody!

You may (or may not) have noticed that the mods over at dmhgficexchange have posted the last entry for this last round of the exchange.

Read all about it here.

What does this mean for exchange_bingo ?

It means that you all have TWO WEEKS from today to get ALL of your bingo claims in.

Where do you submit claims? Here on the THE PRIZE ENTRY. Please follow guidelines precisely, as it both expedites the process and makes it easier on the Lone Mod. Do not make the Lone Mod unhappy.

So, again, and in more detail, here's the TIMELINE.

June 4, 2011 (midnight, Pacific coast, USA time) - Last day to claim bingos - First, last or otherwise.

June 5 2011 - June 12 2011 : Notification of prize winners, including the wait listed winners.

June 12 2011 - August 7 2001 : Prize making period. Including delivery thereof.

August 8, 2011 dmhgficexchange round of exchange bingo COMPLETED ; gear up for second round of sshg exchange to COMMENCE.

And it's time for a POLL.

Poll Last Poll - Sadcakes

prize list, timeline, poll, mod post

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