Jul 09, 2008 11:15
soooo, the fourth ended up being fairly GHEY...
we arrive at mikes house to party, and then everyone leaves like some great exodus...
"we are going out to see fireworks" i am told.
meanwhile his entire neighborhood is setting off fireworks all around us. go figure...
we end up driving over to Profile Rock, so they could all go climb and watch a few towns displays at once.
i however did not join in on the climb...cuz im blind...and have no business climbing an outcrop of rocks at night. they spent a good hour and a half up there...while i spent the time sitting on a rock getting eaten alive.
because they decided to leave, we missed out on meggy coming to the festivities, which i felt really bad about, cuz i knew she needed something positive to do...however her not answering her phone when we tried to call her a million times is not my fault and so we all kinda dropped the ball on that one. oh well, we hung out a couple days later and i bought her ice cream! it was wicked good.
if you ask me...and of course no one did, but if one had, I would have just suggested we stayed at mikes house, gotten FUCKED and had a good time...instead, we had an ok time...at what then turned into a hot tub party, not a fourth of july party. plenty of nudity though...which is nice.
anyway...I downloaded the trial version of Spore Creature Creator which is excellent! I cannot WAIT for the game to come out. I dont have a computer or Wii to play it on, but thats not going to stop me from asking for it for my b-day in sept. which is the month its schedualed to come out. as long as i have the game, ill be happy, ill be able to play it eventually haha.
73 days until im 24 WOOO
gettin ooollddd.
so my dad finally broke down and is getting a new A/C and boiler for the house. I kind of wish he had talked to me beforehand though...i mean, he is dropping one hell of a bankroll on this...and, i dunno i just wonder if that money would be better spent elsewhere...or saved even...though, as i sit here typing this out, i AM sweating my fuckin balls off...and it would probably be more cost effective to run an efficient A/C all summer then turning on and off my window A/C which as it turns out is the LEAST efficient model they make lol.
we shall see.
another thing thats been on mind is my dads health...hes old...and next year, he will be retiring, whether he wants to or not...he wll be 65 and unless im mistaken thats the age of mandatory retirement.
now, as long as he is active and moving because of work, hes ok...not good, certainly not great...but ok....
but once he retires, its going to be one long weekend for him, he wil never get off the couch...just laying there, watching nascar and westerns...its sad...and a litle scary...im not like, freaking out...im all about "when its your time to go, you will go" but...i dunno...i see a very sad man when i look at him...I can tell his life did not work out the way he had hoped it would when he was my age. and it just sucks...hes got a few more years in him, i dont deny that...but...the quality of those years are in question.
when i get my debts paid off, do i just bounce like i so desperatly want/need....and leave him on his own? or do i stick it out and stay here to make sure he doesn't drown in the shower....blarg
now, i know this may sound crass...but im also worried about the debt he might leave with me...he just got a huge loan from the bank...and now he is dropping another large sum on the A/C and boiler...
im sick and fuckin tired of being in debt...now, i got myself into the debt im in...and thats my fault, and my responsibility to take care of it...but I dont want to get out of debt now, or soon, only to be thrown into it again after he kicks the bucket...
my head is too swimmy to go on with any of this. Im going to sign out now.