Feb 04, 2006 19:26
so i just got done watching a couple of documentaries..
one was called Hate Rock which follows the white supremecy movement in the music industy...
after that I watched one called Rapture, which explains the evangelical beleife of when all those who truly beleive in jesus will be taken from earth while the rest of us are left to endure 7 years of tribulations...
no i dont think i need to say this, but i obviously do not believe in either one of these topics...so there I was, being faced with two different point of view, and my own...
the Rapture doc. wasnt so hard to deal with...i have come to terms with christians and their beliefs
but during the Hate Rock documantary...all i could think of was how ignorant these people are...i was filled with this burning desire to savagly kill and destroy every person i saw on with their shaved heads and their hiel hitler salutes...but a voice in my head said no, you cant resort to violence to get your point across, that just brings you down to their level...but if i dont take matters into my own hands, i have to rely on the system, and in this country, well the system fails just about every time. we cant stop them from demonstrating because that would encroach on their freedom of speech. so in the end after wanting to kill and then respecting their rights, and then just wanting to kill again, and again respecting their rights to speak their mind and believe what they want i guess the only way to deal with is is just to accept them for who they are...even if they wouldnt accept me
this is such a conundrum...what can be done to bring the world together in peace and understanding when nothing can be done to stop those who would who encite hatred and segregation.
its a never ending cycle for me...i dunno i guess theres nothing i can do about it...
leave me your comments and thoughts please, in hopes to further understand where you all are comming from.