#69 - season 1 of BtVS for btvsats20in20

Aug 28, 2016 17:09

This is for round #20 of btvsats20in20. My claim was BtVS season 1. I tried some new techniques for these icons and I'm actually pretty happy with the result of them.

If taking anything, please remember to credit either gabby227 or exceptionalx. And, as always, comments are always really lovely!


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tv: buffy the vampire slayer, type: icons, tv: angel the series, maker: gabby227

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Comments 8

snogged August 29 2016, 11:51:49 UTC
I love your set. Nicely done!


gabby227 September 1 2016, 18:09:43 UTC
Thank you, sweetie! :D


nmcil12 August 29 2016, 20:55:16 UTC
Nicely put together - makes a striking set. Category Profile #3 completely takes over the entire set for me - the visual motion created by the yellow stripes and brilliant use of same color with Cordelia most effective. Love your Jenny AC#4.


gabby227 September 1 2016, 18:09:12 UTC
I was actually worried about Category #3 - I was afraid the yellow stood out too much, but in the end decided I liked it so I went with it, so it makes me really happy that you like it! And Jenny, my sweet Jenny, I loved her so much and was so disappointed when she died. It made me so sad.

Thank you, by the way!


nmcil12 September 2 2016, 12:00:46 UTC
Glad you chose to include it - so much is happening in that image with the motion created by the lines and the repetition of forms like Xander's arms V shape repeated with Cordelia's neckline and the Arm lines color seen again in Cordy's hair.

I really like Jenny and hated that she was killed but what a brilliant treatment for her death and then the Master Art Torture that Angelus created for Giles. It was such a powerful presentation with her killing and then Giles finding her.


gabby227 September 21 2016, 19:18:05 UTC
I agree with you about Jenny's death, it was a powerful thing, especially with Angelus killing her and then Giles finding her, but I still hate that she died. I really did love her.


starry_night September 18 2016, 11:28:19 UTC
These are beautiful. I love the richness and vibrancy of your colouring. My faves are horror movie, decoration, alive, second choice, C1, C3, AC2, AC4 and AC5. Terrific set :)


gabby227 September 21 2016, 19:18:48 UTC
Thanks so much! :D


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