1824: You Thought I Was That Type | Anna Akhmatova

Oct 09, 2013 20:46

"А, ты думал - я тоже такая"
Анна Ахматова

А, ты думал - я тоже такая,
Что можно забыть меня,
И что брошусь, моля и рыдая.
Под копыта гнедого коня.

Или стану просить у знахарок
В наговорной воде корешок
И пришлю тебе страшный подарок -
Мой заветный душистый платок.

Будь же проклят. Ни стоном, ни взглядом
Окаянной души не коснусь,
Но клянусь тебе ангельским садом,
Чудотворной иконой клянусь
И ночей наших пламенных чадом -
Я к тебе никогда не вернусь.

Translated from the Russian

"You Thought I Was That Type"
Anna Akhmatova

You thought I was that type:
That you could forget me,
And that I'd plead and weep
And throw myself under the hooves of a bay mare,

Or that I'd ask the sorcerers
For some magic potion made from roots and send you a terrible gift:
My precious perfumed handkerchief.

Damn you! I will not grant your cursed soul
Vicarious tears or a single glance.

And I swear to you by the garden of the angels,
I swear by the miracle-working icon,
And by the fire and smoke of our nights:
I will never come back to you.

When I kissed you in the hall/of the youth hostel we fell/into the linen closet laughing/twenty years ago and I still/remember though not very often/the taste of cheap wine in your mouth/like raspberries

jeffrey harrison, anna akhmatova

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