1641: Little Bird | Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin

Jan 29, 2013 23:31

Александр Сергеевич Пушкин

В чужбине свято наблюдаю
Родной обычай старины:
На волю птичку выпускаю
При светлом празднике весны.

Я стал доступен утешенью;
За что на бога мне роптать,
Когда хоть одному творенью
Я мог свободу даровать!

Translated from the Russian. (If anyone knows of a better translation, please let me know as the Russian is gorgeous and this translation is distinctly lacking.)

"Little Bird"
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin

In a foreign land I faithfully observe
A native rite of olden times:
I liberate a little bird
During the shining fete of spring.

My heart is filled with consolation,
How can I grumble at God's will
If to but one of his creations
I can bestow sweet liberty!

open our letters and sort them out by date/instead of by how often they’ve been read.

alexander sergeyevich pushkin, nikola madžirov

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