1404: The Subway Piranhas | Edwin Morgan

Mar 01, 2012 15:16

"The Subway Piranhas"
Edwin Morgan

Did anyone tell you
that in each subway train
there is one special seat
with a small hole in it
and underneath the seat
is a tank of piranha-fish
which have not been fed
for quite some time.
The fish become quite agitated
by the shoogling of the train
and jump up through the seat.
The resulting skeletons
of unlucky passengers
turn an honest penny
for the transport executive,
hanging far and wide
in medical schools.

On this day in...
2011: "March" by Linda Pastan
2010: "Suicide's Note" by Langston Hughes and "Morning" by Frank O'Hara
2009: Weekend, no poem
2008: Weekend, no poem

The breeze passes by so very close/as if someone just happened to speak of love.

edwin morgan, faiz ahmed faiz

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