"This Deepening Takes Place Again"
Emily Kendal Frey
What if everything
were revealed: where I was
last night. You, etc. The rain
is coming down like salad.
My sister's hair
reminds me of my sister
so much I can't
stop looking. Who am I
to have arms? On the plane
one short dream:
a baby so small
it wasn't even human,
just a bouquet
of light with wise
cellular eyes. If losing me
is the worst thing to happen,
your life is still a good life.
On this day in...
"Alone" by Maya Angelou and
"Asking for Directions" by Linda Gregg2009:
"milos" by Anis Mojgani and
"The First Dream" by Billy Collins2008:
"Beauty and the Beast: An Anniversary" by Jane Yolen2007:
"Not Waving But Drowning" by Stevie Smith It is winter now,/and the roses are blooming again,/their petals bright against the snow.