Aug 19, 2009 19:57
[Excel is bit of a down mood, something of a rarity for her. To raise her spirits she is drawing up posters extoling the virtues of ACROSS.]
Hopefully this will rally the masses more then my words alone, I mean whats an revolution worth without propaganda! And this shall be propagnda of the highest order, the words of Ill pallazzo drawn in size 30 bold font , lovingly crafted by powerful strokes of marker and crayon. No inteligent member of the masses would disagree with the overpowering logic of Lord Il Pallazzo in such a colorful medium!
Now to distribute these, conquest wont suppourt itself after all.
[Excel giggle a bit to herself, her fanged grin looking slighty sinister, she picks up the stack of odd posters and heads for the great outdoors. Hoping to stir up some suppourt for her crusade of 1.]
flawed logic,
conquest on a budget,
1 women army,