Dec 08, 2009 20:28
Threadhopping with this character - yes/no/maybe so?:
whatever works!
Backlogging with this character - yes/no/maybe so?:
why not? :) just let me know.
Hugging this character?:
honestly, it depends on who you are. HE MIGHT THINK YOU'RE TRYING TO KILL HIM, or something crazy like that, because what. if it's like a brohug, that's different. just don't expect him to hug back, man.
Giving this character a kiss?:
again, depends on who you are. chances are, he'll break your arm. B| unless you're some flimsy, flowery girl. then he'll just stand there. sexuality of any sort is so beyond him, ok. he has more important things to worry about, so you're better off saving your kisses for someone -- more normal? HAHA.
Hitting/punching/injuring this character?:
provoking him won't automatically get you killed, but it will get you injured. unless, of course, your character is capable of overpowering/besting him, which is certainly possible!
Is there anything that ought not be mentioned/done near this character?:
go crazy. he'll cope.
any mention of the knights templar/crusades/crusaders/assassins clan/assassins/ILLUSIONS AND MAGICAL THINGS will immediately put him on edge, though.