(no subject)

Jul 19, 2007 10:34

Glompy update 19/07: last night, in a bid to be nice, I ate my dinner standing up in the kitchen (not easy with coq au vin, let me assure you) and talked to him. While he gloated about how much he was being paid. For an hour. Still not willing to buy anything for the house (say, a cheap table or a tv or anything). Them he managed to set the tea-towel on fire, twice, doing the SAME STUPID THING.

Me:“No way, Einstein, the same action has the same consequences?!? *gasp* Never!”
Him: “mumblemumble hahahaha I’m not in the least sorry or willing to replace your property that I ruined BECAUSE I’M A COCKTARD”

Then I was excited cause I just bought Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead in a 2 DVD pack (yay! nai, a little Simon Pegg marathon for our relaxation evening?) and so I showed him and he said “Wow! Cool!” Now does that imply a like or a dislike of Simon Pegg to you guys? Cause then, in another attempt to make him feel welcome in the house, I mentioned we should have a Simon Pegg marathon together as I was wandering past to go out for a smoke. And he very sarcastically “muttered” (except he hasn’t really cottoned on to the idea that muttering is sposed to be INAUDIBLE TO THE PERSON YOU’RE BITCHING ABOUT): “Yeah, cause that’s exactly what I need, huh?”


rage, life, housemates

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