Nominations for Gwen/Merlin

Jul 18, 2009 09:55

Nominations For Gwen/Merlin

To Vote

Voting will take place in the comments to this post, all comments are screened.

Please use the voting form in the textbox at the end of this entry to cast your votes.

Only one fic can be voted for per category, and you can only vote once per pairing. Anyone found voting multiple times will have all their votes discounted.

Voting runs until August 19.

Questions or concerns can be directed to the masterlist posting.

Best Overall

1. "Garden Ground" by significantowl, rated G
2. "Snow" by gnimaerd, rated PG
3. "Allegiances" by solvent90, rated R

Best Characterisation for Merlin

1. "Snow" by gnimaerd, rated PG

Best Episode Coda

1. "Garden Ground" by significantowl, rated G

Best Fluff fic

1. "Garden Ground" by significantowl, rated G
2. "Snow" by gnimaerd, rated PG

Best Romance fic

1. "Snow" by gnimaerd, rated PG
2. "Allegiances" by solvent90, rated R

Best Hurt/Comfort fic

1. "Allegiances" by solvent90, rated R

Voting Form

Only fill in those categories that apply.

Best Overall fic:
Best Characterisation for Merlin:
Best Epic:
Best Episodic:
Best Episode Coda:
Best Drabble:
Best AU:
Best Pre-Series:
Best Future!fic:

Best Angst:
Best Dark:
Best Fluff:
Best Romance:
Best Drama:
Best Death:
Best Crack:
Best Humour:
Best Baby:
Best Hurt/Comfort:
Best Crossover:
Best Smut:
Best Kink:
Best Pre-Ship:

Most Shocking:
Most Insightful:

This Fic Made Me Love Gwen/Merlin:

pairing: gwen/merlin, vote post

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