I'm considering doing a "best-of" post concerning my favorite fic I've read this year. But on-vacation-and-lazy exbex is lazy, so who knows if it'll ever get done. I have done some end-of-year reflecting, however, and I'm personally curious to know, flist(s): what is the thing you like most about your own writing and stories (and art and vidding, if you are multi-talented)?
For me personally, I have been happily surprised at my penchant for writing unusual pairings. When I first started this venture in '09, I thought I'd write a little Ray/Ray in DS and maybe some Sam/Kara in BSG and that would be it. But as the very perceptive prudence_dearly
has pointed out, I imprint on characters readily, and, although I do my fair share of putting them through the ringer, I, unlike in RL, do a lot of happy match-making. I'm as surprised as anyone at some of the pairings I come up with (Lew Ashby/Renfield Turnbull? IDEK), but I'm pleased when it works.
Anyway, I'd love to read what you think about your own work. Let us know in the comments.