books meme

Jun 04, 2017 01:34

1. Hardback or paperback? This really depends on the book. I’d say what’s more important is the size of the book and the purpose. For instance, why were my science textbooks in college printed on high quality paper when that stuff is frequently updated while my English anthologies, containing works of literature that, y’know, don’t change, printed on cheap paper? I mean, we know why, but still…

2. Borrow or buy? Borrow usually, but cheap ebooks have made it more likely that I’ll buy.

3. Fantasy or sci-fi? Sci-fi

4. Love-triangle or love at first sight? Yeah, fanfiction has raised the bar, so really? Neither.

5. Wall shelves or bookcases? I’m such a slob that I don’t have either.

6. Bad plot with good characters or good plot with bad characters? Well, if one is really good it can make me forgive the other being neglected, but if the characters aren’t at least relate-able, I’m likely to abandon the story.

7. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson? I’ve only read Harry Potter

8. Booklr or bookstagram? Well, what is with these newfangled contraptions?

9. Contemporaries or fantasy? Contemporaries

10. English books or books in your native language? Generally English, as English happens to be my first language. However, sometimes a book in French is easier to understand than a book in English, as is the case with Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics.

11. Buy in a bookshop or buy online? Online, because I live about 100 miles from a bookshop. Also, online offers almost everything either used or in ebook form, which tends to be less expensive.

12. Amazon or Book Depository? The internet tells me that Amazon has eaten Book Depository. I am such a whore to capitalism that I didn’t even know.

13. Buy because of the cover or because of the description? Description, always. The cover can be a good hook, but does not seal the deal.

14. Alphabetical shelves or colour coordinated? If I had shelves, it would be by genre or size.

15. different sized books or matching sizes? Different sized

16. Wait to marathon a series or read as they’re released? Usually read as they’re released

17. Movie or tv adaptations? Usually neither.

18. Zombies or vampires? I am burned out on both of these, though seeing a unique spin on one can pull me in.

19. Reading indoors or outdoors? Indoors.

20. Coffee or tea? Yes.

21. Bookmarks or random objects to mark your page? Random objects.

22. Dog-earing or bookmarks? Bookmarks

23. Be your favourite character or be their best friend? I don’t usually play favorites.

24. Physical or e-book? Increasingly ebooks, because they are often cheaper, are in my hands in literal seconds, take up less space in a carry-on, and don’t get lost in my house. This is especially good when it comes to textbooks. The major drawback is that it’s much more annoying to “flip through” an ebook, especially if I’m trying to find notes for class.

25. Read in bed or on a chair? On a chair. I can’t get into a comfortable position reading in bed. I also just prefer to keep the bed for two purposes, neither of which is reading.

26. Audiobook or ebook? This is a strange choice because they have different purposes to me. Audiobooks are for driving or if one isn’t into reading or has some difficulty/disability. I love reading, don’t have a visual disability, and don’t spend a lot of time driving on long-distance trips, so ebooks.

27. Series or stand-alones? If I have to choose, I’ll choose stand-alones. I read series as well though.

28. Reading in the winter or reading in the summer? I read year-round.


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