that meme and that trope quiz

Aug 23, 2015 18:38

Stolen directly and shamelessly from

Top ten fave tropes!

'Groundhog Day'/Karmic Time Warp

Trapped in an Elevator/Snowed-In Cabin/etc

Friends to Lovers

Fake Dating/Fake Marriage Accidentally Turns Into Feelings


Seemingly Unrequited Pining

Actually Unrequited Pining

Vampires/Werewolves AU

Found Families

Loyalty Kink

Yeah, okay. I guess there are no real surprises here.

Now for "Catching Up" Sorry about the weird font changes, if anyone is actually reading this. It won't fix and I can't be arsed to fix it.

Major Life Changes?

I hopped around at my job, first by being forced to, then by my own request due to resenting that I was being forced to. Same thing, slightly different location. Will probably turn out for the best.

What fandom do you spend most of your time in?

Starsky and Hutch. Did not see that one coming. I don't utilize a TV service, but my parents do, and on one of my last visits, I caught an ep. What would I do with myself if I didn't live in a time of instant gratification via streaming and DVDs?

What are you reading?

I told myself that, due to the controversy surrounding Go Set a Watchman, that I wouldn't read it. Yeah I caved the first day it was released. As a literary artifact, it's valuable and interesting. I also read Jon Ronson's Psychopath Test. Ronson is a genius at creating a door into insular, niche spaces. I'm currently in the middle of Mennonite in a Little Black Dress, which was written by one of my college profs. It's a bit surreal, as I remember her telling some of the stories in class and I met the ex-husband who is one of the focal points of the book. Illuminating, in a word. I am too old to be all that surprised to discover that people who seem as if they have everything together often, do not, in fact, have everything together, but it's still eye-opening. I also picked up The Mountaintop School for Dogs and Other Second Chances in an airport this summer, which also has a bit of a surreal feel to it, as it marries this gentle type of world to some nasty, real-life shit that people go through.

What are you watching?

Nothing current, as I still refuse to get the streaming service on Netflix, and I don't watch anything on Prime unless it's "free with Prime." I was halfway through Roswell when I fell down the Starsky and Hutch rabbit hole. I finished In the Flesh, and I'm sporadically watching Being Human.

What are you making?

I'm starting to write fic for Starsky and Hutch, but it's slow. The last few years have been slow, actually. I'm go to blame that easy scapegoat, grad school.

Where do you hang out online?

Literally nowhere. I dropped facebook in 2013, never got into Twitter. I have not looked at my tumblr dash since April, as it became too much. Mostly I just lurk on LJ, DW, and youtube.

What are you squeeing about today?

I have to go back to work tomorrow after weeks off, and my back is killing me. But damn it could be worse.

If you could rope old fandom friends into a new fandom, it would be...

I wouldn't. People are old enough to know what they like, right?

I should really watch/read/dive into _______ and then come talk to you about it!

Anything you want.

What else is on your mind?

Why am I unable to properly take care of myself so that my back doesn't retaliate against me?


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