October/November roundup

Nov 29, 2013 23:31

Due South:

A Friendly Wager

Pairing: F/V/K
Rating: R
Length: 1423 words
Prompt: (from desireearmfeldt )The trio have a dare going to see who can go the longest without sex.
Summary: They fail, epically.

I Hear What You're Not Saying

Pairing: Vecchio/Turnbull
Rating: general audiences
Length: 284 words
Prompt: something from ds_snippets
Summary: The AU where Vecchio runs off to Florida...with Turnbull.


Welcome Distractions

Pairings: John Watson/Mary Morstan (pre-het), Sherlock Holmes/Victor Trevor (mentioned)
Rating: PG for suicide ideation
Length: 1271 words
Summary: John meets Mary Morstand, quite accidentally and perhaps fortuitously.
A/N: the latest in the Aftermath series

f/v/k, john watson/mary morstan, sherlock bbc, sherlock/victor trevor, due south

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