Jul 06, 2006 06:09
Well I was officially released from school at the end of May, my school year didn't end until yesterday when I got my AP scores. That's five tests now. SAT, ACT, AP US History, AP Physics B and AP English Language and Composition. The scores I received were, respectively,
- 2080
- 34
- 3
- 3
- 5
What does that mean? Well, if I'm going to go with Crews's thought's on the subject, it means this year was worth it. Those are some damn decent scores. And while, yes, I do agree that those scores made this year worth it, I think more in a negative sense than in a positive sense. They don't show, as they are supposed to, how much my hard work paid off. Really? Let's all face it, I didn't have to work too hard. It was long, and stressful, and annoying and really solidified how much I dislike even the concept, much less the practice, of high school. And yeah, there was work. There was a lot of work. But at the same time that I did it, I also managed to dodge a lot of it. Italian II, for one thing. Basically all of my english and physics homework. And I managed sto scrape by there, right?
No, I think these scores made this year worth it in that something substantial came from it. Something that I can show and say, "See, I'm not retarded." As in, it wasn't a complete waste. It's like when Yoda pulls his saber on Dooku at the end of Episode II. The movie sucked. There is no denying or distorting that. But that little bit at the end made that 8 bucks worth it.
Oh look, tomorrow is July 7.