Jul 05, 2006 05:37
It was way too hot to go to sleep in my room last night, until about 11, 11:30. So, I lie down and the next thing i know, it's raining. So, I get up to go close my window across the room and then I climb back in bed. And then I'm just about to go back to sleep and oh what's this? A thunderstorm! Lightning and scary ass thunder. And then, the power went out.
No, I love power outages. The silence, the lack of that warm buzz that can be so comforting sometimes. But honestly? If it's going to be a power outage, can't it at least be a half hour? Or an hour? Not like, 30 seconds. 30 seconds is long enough to turn off my computers, to ruin uptime and reset clocks, but much much too short to have anything productive come of it. Damn you lightning!
At least it was pretty.