Dec 15, 2008 09:51
So when I was asking for snow over the weekend the snow I had envisioned was our peaceful white fluffy and somewhat soggy West Coast snow.
I don't know who ordered the sideways blowing East Coast microscopic shards of doom, but it wasn't me!
I have to take the bus home tonight and I am really not looking forward to standing at the bus stop in a -18c wind chill.
FAIL Weather Gods! Epic FAIL!
All complaining aside I really do kinda like it. Except the standing at the bus stop part. That will be some serious suckage.
My office has definite warm spots and cold spots. As the seals on the windows are blown, any part of my desk that is on the window side of the room is decidedly chilly. This means my mouse hand turns into an ice block. My co-workers have had some giggles when they see me with one giant yellow glove on my mouse hand.
My weekend was pretty awesome all in all. On Friday we went to Telus's Christmas party. It's always good food since its at the Empress. On Saturday we went to Japanese village. I love that place. Their chicken and prawn dinner makes me a very happy girl. You can tell I must be part Hobbit as the first thing I mention from my weekend is food.
Christmas shopping is almost done too. Now I just need to do baking for people.
Sunday we slept in until 8am. When you are getting up at 6:30 in the morning on weekdays 8am is a nice long sleep in! I like it because that means I can get more stuff done and makes my weekend feel longer.
We didn't get out of our housecoats until 2pm, at which point we bundled up and went for a walk in the snow. It was a good little trek, but we turned around pretty quickly as the sideways blowing snow was a little brutal.
I hope this day goes quickly, I just want to go home and curl up with a book and some mulled wine.