Let's see what's in store...

Dec 21, 2011 10:38

What does Rob say the universe says the week has in store?

Pisces Horoscope for week of December 22, 2011

Pisces (February 19-March 20)
One of Alexander the Great's teachers was Aristotle, who was tutored by Plato, who himself learned from Socrates. In 2012, I'd love to see you draw vital information and fresh wisdom from a lineage as impressive as that, Pisces. In my astrological opinion, you need much more than a steady diet of factoids plucked from the Internet and TV. You simply must be hungry for more substantial food for thought than you get from random encounters with unreliable sources. It will be time for you to attend vigorously to the next phase of your life-long education.


But, but I like random encounters with unreliable sources!



Last night, I baked a bunch of cookies. Mainly just because I wanted to, though I brought half of them into the office today. The other half will probably go to family Christmas celebrations this weekend. I'll also make more wassail. I'm keeping the soy nog for myself! (Probably no one will fight me for it. Soy nog!)


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