It was a three-day weekend, and it was
very nice.
Friday night, no particular rush to do anything. Three-day weekend! I went home from work and went to sleep. Oh all RIGHT, technically I hung around for a bit, writing a little, feeding the cats and also myself, come to think of it, watching some TV. But really, I slept.
For like 12 hours, which was just what I wanted/needed. Saturday was a day without agenda other than a bit of erranding. I got up around 10 and took my fine time. Eventually I got a bee in my bonnet about tater tots, leading me to finally shower so I could go to Sonic. Yum! On the way, since it is like halfway to her place, I called Heather. After I ate, I met up with her and we went out scouting for bargains at Ross. I got a few things, but I need to do a real assessment of my fall work wardrobe. I have some stuff that is just falling apart. After shopping, I headed home, stopping at Target and at Trader Joe's for stuff. By the time I got home and put things away it was nearly 9:00 and I figured that was it for me for the night. I watched some stuff off the DVR and went to bed by like 11. That's, what, 13 hours awake after 12 asleep? Sounds about right.
Sunday morning, moving slow. I didn't intend to skip church but that was what happened. Oops. I sat and read the readings myself, because I am on retreat this coming weekend and want to start getting myself in the right mind-set. (To a degree, of course, the right mind-set on a self-guided retreat can be any dang thing I like, but I have a few goals in mind.) Then I dropped my rent check off at the office and headed to Mom's. We went out to lunch, and then I came and stared at her downstairs toilet a while, uncertain how to fix it without taking it apart. I promised her I would research toilet repair before my next visit. (Mom lives in a house with three bathrooms so one occasionally-stubborn toilet was not an emergency of any kind.) I went home and made a last stop at Food Lion, then I cleaned the apartment for company!
I kind of love the new "holiday tradition" of terrible movies with RiffTrax accompaniment, and Twilight: New Moon proved no exception! Though holy crap. That movie is LONG and TERRIBLE. This from someone who saw it in the theater! Geez. Anyway, a bunch of people came over and there were a bunch of snacks and it was a whole bunch of awesome.
There wasn't even that much clean-up afterward! Once it was done, I went to bed.
Monday, another day without structure or plans! I didn't set an alarm, and it was overcast, so I slept until 10 a.m. again. Nice. I decided I would take my iPhone in to get it looked at. A few weeks ago the headphone jack stopped working, even after I cleaned it out. New iPhones are arriving soon and I aim to get one, so I didn't really want to be told it would cost anything to repair my existing one. BUT. It turns out? It was the headphones themselves that were broken. Oops. So I got some new ones, and hurrah! The Apple Store was MADNESS but I'd made an appointment so it wasn't so bad. That was enough being out in the world for me so I went home. I downloaded and read Mile 81, the new Stephen King novella available only as an e-book. It's pretty short so I just sat and read it. It's very good! Then I made supper and noodled around and generally had a low-key evening of nothing notable. Which is fine.
Now, here it is Tuesday. Only a three-day work week for me as I leave for retreat on Friday. Yay, short work weeks!