After all, I did have
a lovely weekend, so why not take a few moments to tell you about it?
Friday night I hit the Target after work, and had a lazy night in. I meant to watch the sixth Harry Potter movie (borrowed from a co-worker), and I started. But I started late, and it's a long movie, so I gave up about an hour in. Usually I don't like to break up movies, but it's not like I don't know the story really well already. And I was so sleepy! Of course The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo kept me up a bit later, because that is one damn hard-to-put-down book! Still, I crashed out for another nearly-12-hour marathon sleep.
How I love those! I got up to a gray, rainy Saturday which was awesome. We hadn't had one of those in a while! Lazed around almost too much and was running a little late to meet up with
msteleute and
snidegrrl and
salami_salome for our blueberry-pickin' plans. But we eventually all got together and all picked blueberries. And it was fantastic! The weather was perfect and the company ideal. Blueberries in hand, and to a certain degree in mouth, we headed back home. On the way we diverted to the Diamondback Tavern in Ellicott City where we had a huge feast. Yum! Then, home and digesting.
necrocannibal and
bizarrojack joined in and eventually we all wound up going out for frozen yogurt. More yum! By then it was nearly 10 p.m. and we'd gotten together at 1 p.m. and it was time to say goodnight. I went home and watched Doctor Who off the DVR and got sucked into my book for a bit and then fell asleep.
Sunday was pretty much groceries and then the World Cup final. Which was an ugly, kind of disappointing game. I wasn't rooting for anyone in particular and think that the best team certainly won. Eventually it was over and I hauled myself off the couch, put on my cleanin' togs (old cut-offs, sports bra, kerchief on head, flip-flops; they don't call me "Style Maven" for nuthin'!) and cleaned the apartment. Then I did laundry and finished watching Harry Potter. I stayed up too late reading and didn't get enough sleep and now I am a zombie, the end.
Tonight I make blueberry muffins!