Checking in this week with
Pisces Horoscope for week of April 16, 2009
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
"I'm beginning to understand myself," said jazz pianist Dave Brubeck. "But it would have been great to be able to understand myself when I was 20 rather than when I was 82." While this might sound discouraging, it's actually a prelude to some very good news: You now have extraordinary power to dramatically deepen your self-knowledge. Between now and May 20, you might even be able to extract insights into your own mysteries that would normally only be available to an 82-year-old.
Duly noted!
Guitar was good last night, my hand is really almost back in fightin' shape except for carrying really, really heavy things. That was fast! Seriously, between two years of guitar and over a year of regular weight training, I can barely believe how much quicker my recuperation was on the left-wrist carpal tunnel surgery than on the right. It's crazy. But awesome!
Theoretically the sun is setting late enough that walking to lessons may be do-able, but last night the rain and drear meant no way. Maybe next week? From what I understand, far more seasonable weather arrives tomorrow, and not a moment too soon, I say.
Well, happy Tax Day, everyone!