I almost forgot...

Jun 25, 2008 11:27

Since I was off on Monday, I'm a bit thrown off and nearly forgot that it's Breszny day. The horror!

Pisces Horoscope for week of June 26, 2008

Pisces (February 19-March 20)
Welcome to Part Two of your outlook for the second half of 2008, Pisces. I'm hoping that six months from now, you'll look back and make the following declaration: "This year I was a real artist in the way I lived my life. Everything I did was like working on a beautiful masterpiece. I had a sixth sense about when to shut up and when to speak out, when to pull back and when to push on, when to recharge and when to ripen. Whenever my efforts were ready to climax, I brought them to a climax and moved on to the next adventure. So here's the big question: What can I do to keep cultivating this adroit and graceful approach to being alive?"
Well, maybe I will be saying that in six months, Rob! That and "brr," because it will be the end of December, and I'd just rather not think about that right now.
Walked to guitar lesson last night, it was perfectly lovely out. Of course I didn't practice this week due to travel, but I told him about that last week. Reviewed some stuff, did some exercises, generally assured myself I didn't forget everything I'd learned by taking a week off.

My blood sugar's been nice and low all week. Let's see if it rebounds quickly after being back at work and thus re-introducing stress into my life. At least, I keep telling myself, it's just a four-day week! (This week AND next week. Ahh.)

breszny, guitar

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