Another Wednesday, another moment with
Pisces Horoscope for week of May 8, 2008
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
"Don't eat any food that's incapable of rotting," says Michael Pollan in his book In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto. In other words, highly processed foods with a long shelf life don't contribute to your optimum vitality. I'd like to expand this rule to make it an all-purpose guideline for life. Try out this hypothesis: If you're involved with any person or situation that never decays, or if there is some part of you that never decays, that's highly suspicious and may be a problem. Like growth, rot is a natural phenomenon. Indeed, every advancement requires or brings the disintegration of whatever it replaces. You can't grow if you don't rot! The "perfection" of stasis can be hazardous to your health! So let me ask you, Pisces: What's due to rot in your world?
"You can't grow if you don't rot!" may not quite be up there on a sampler-makin'-level like "Shut up and be happy" and "There's always more everything," but not bad, Rob, not bad!
Walked to guitar lesson last night, and my instructor guessed right away, because I was very relaxed and had "very efficient fingering" which I suppose is a heretofore unrealized benefit of relaxation. It was rather an idyllic walk out by the lake, plenty of Columbians out enjoying themselves. One couple dining outside at Tomato Palace had the world's cutest cocker spaniel sitting politely with them at their table looking up at them with eyes that were clearly saying "If you do not drop some of that pasta right now then life as I know it is not worth living." I hope they gave him some. He did have his own little take-away container, but it just had water. Can you imagine the disappointment? "YES! Ohboyohboyohboyoh...wait, what? That's it?"
Not much to say here, really, is there? Bye-bye, Jason. I enjoyed your performances until you ran into some kind of weird wall the past few weeks. And man, last night was a real stinker. Bad song choice, bad execution, bad...badness. I don't know if they Jasonophiles could save you. Frankly, I hope they didn't, 'cause after last night it's pretty clear who deserves to go home next. David C. seemed out of it on Duran Duran, but I loved his "Baba O'Reilly" except for it got a smidge too screechy at the end. David A. did a nice "Stand By Me," but I kind of hated "Love Me Tender." You do not make the King into a tepid pop ballad! Syesha was pretty much awesome for both songs.
Hee, House kidnapped a guy. Overall a pretty strong episode, and nice to see Cuddy trying to bring the old Ducklings back on the case. Cameron went for it, like you'd expect, and Chase didn't, which is nice, because hey, give the guy a spine. The whole overarching "how important is what you do?" thing did juxtapose nicely with their inspection setup, and there was finally some good Cuddy stuff this week. She's been grossly underused this season. And now we're down to the big two-part finale, more mind-games, it looks like. Bring it on, they're fun, I say!