How I suffer for my art!

Apr 25, 2008 09:38

On Wednesday night I didn't practice guitar, to give my finger a rest and time to heal up. Last night, I had laundry to do, and what better to do while waiting for the laundry to finish than practice guitar, right? Right. Surely I'd be back on track. It's just a bruise.

More the fool I! It doesn't hurt, still, unless I cleverly bang it into something (hello, dryer door). And the swelling is all but gone. But what it still is, is stiff. And by the time I had been playing for 45 minutes, ow. I mean, not "ow" like when the door first closed on it, but pretty ow, nonetheless.

On the up side, I got a new capo, which is awesome. And new strings, which I will put on the guitar this weekend while I am cat-free. I'm headed to Ohio to visit my grandmother and aunt and uncle for a few days, and while I will miss Oz and Desmond like the dickens, I will happily grab this opportunity to change the guitar strings without a curious kitten around.


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