Nov 29, 2007 14:00
1. It's my dad's birthday today! YAY! *throws confetti* He and my mom and my sister-in-law are up in NYC taking in the Rockettes' Christmas show. I'll call later and leave a doofy message on their answering machine.
2. Cat tree! I ordered a new cat tree for Oz and Desmond, to replace my ratty old red one that leaves red carpet fibers all over the floor. I ordered it Tuesday night and it is on the UPS truck to be delivered to me today! Dang, that was fast. This is their Christmas gift this year, though I will probably also be a sucker and cave and get them more catnip cigars.
3. Drop-trap lady is dropping off the trap for me tonight - Saturday morning is Operation Catch the Last Cat. This time I am in charge of sitting...and sitting...and sitting...and pulling the string! We're being optimistic and I am taking two of the humane traps, just in case another cat wanders into the snare (that's not one of the ones we've already taken care of, that is).
4. Organizing my old mail the other week was great, but I need to get a solution for current mail, stat. I need a little bin or thing I can hang on the wall so current stuff that needs attention is somewhere convenient. Somewhere out of reach of, say, Desmond, who dragged my initial cell phone agreement all over the floor yesterday.
5. Yesterday morning I also awoke to find he'd massacred some toilet paper in the middle of the night. He's a very mighty hunter, that one.
You may resume your normal Thursdays!