May 24, 2007 14:59
Okay, now I *really* have plenty of time to finish my master's degree.
One of the professors on my graduate advisory committee broke his ankle, and is in too much pain to participate in the "thesis defense" (for lack of a better term) I scheduled for tomorrow. The graduate school's regulations state that a minimum of three professors must participate, and I couldn't find anyone willing to jump in at the last minute, so that defense is now canceled. But, wait! It gets more interesting.
Since my adviser (and head of the committee) is going to be out of the country by the time their colleague recovers, the earliest possible day that I could reschedule the defense for is August 24th. This also happens to be graduation day for the summer semester. There's a chance that they'll be willing to let me graduate and defend on the same day, but I have to double-check that and even if it's possible, it seems like it might be too hectic for my adviser to return to the U.S. on Thursday, then attend my defense the very next day.
Fortunately, the graduate school has already offered to waive my enrollment (and therefore, any additional cost) for the fall semester in case I have to push my graduation date back to December. It's a long time to wait for my degree, especially considering that my work is already done for the most part, but as long as I still get the damn degree, I don't care. It's not like I can really blame my professor for breaking his ankle, or my adviser for having a life, so... clearly, I have to find something else to blame. Global warming is currently the #1 blame contender, followed by sock puppets, mold, and moldy sock puppets.