All right... job update, cos I said I'd post one.
Mi esposa bellísima,
faechylde, got a job at Toys R Us and since they seem all but desperate for employees, I applied too. They seemed satisfied enough with my credentials but their HR department doesn't want a married couple working at the same store, so that's another opportunity shot down. On a related note, I applied to Securitas Security Services and they too were pleased by my previous experience in the field BUT they don't have any openings-- in fact, they have a couple of spare workers so it will likely be a while before they offer me anything, if ever. At this point my options seem limited to Shaw's (again, but with a better chance of success now that their hiring manager is back from medical leave) or breaking down and accepting a lousy position through UMaine Dining Services.
Honestly, though? I'm not in the mood for doing grunt work that any high school dropout could handle. There's no reason why I shouldn't be a teaching assistant, or running the language labs for SPA 101 right now. The problem is, there's no established graduate degree program at UMaine's Modern Languages Department so no positions exist for graduate students. You'd think creating one would be easy but not with University red tape in the way. The only reason I'm looking at security work is because I have enough skill and experience to be a supervisor-- ditto for Shaw's, in my opinion. However, the Bangor area has a stagnant job market and I don't think I have much chance of getting a job that adequately fits my ability while I'm still in school. Once I have my master's degree, I'm sure I won't have any problems. It's just frustrating in the mean time.
In an attempt to ease some frustration, I started exploring the possibility of training in a new combat technique. "Cut and thrust" or "sidesword" rapier combat is still in an experimental stage, but there are some people locally who practice it and it's the only form of rapier combat I haven't tried yet. So, I went to see Don Gregory Finche (MKA Adam Williams) about the possibility of getting the required gear. I was EXTREMELY lucky to get the results I did: there is a falchion that's been sitting around his shop unused that he'll be adding a knuckle bow to for me, which should be ready tonight. Since there's very little labor cost, I'll be getting the sword for much cheaper than usual. Additional required armor will also be pretty cheap, since it will all be ugly plastic that I can cover up with my garb. I'm satisfied and I haven't even started fighting anyone yet.
Sure, it would help if I actually had a job to cover the cost of these new toys but for now, I've supplemented my income with surplus funds from student loans. Like I said before, getting a job once I'm out of school won't be a problem, so I'm not too worried about having to pay them off. I'd much rather deal with that then waste my time in an unfulfilling work environment.