I realize that most of you haven´t heard from me in quite some time, and I apologize for that. For those of you keeping track, the space between updates has been longer than one month and I´ve been out of the country for nearly two weeks now. That´s right, it´s my third straight year in Honduras. Rather than trying to battle the stubborn internet connection here to try and make several updates, I just thought I´d throw one big one everyone´s way, cos that´s easier and I´m lazy.
So, what have been the highlights? Well, four years ago in Mexico I heard that owning a chihuahua can cure asthma. This year, I hear that you can use a homeopathic remedy with a base of shark fat to treat asthma. Who knew that Latin medicine could be so fun? I for one plan to buy a chihuahua, coat it in shark fat and lick it every day.
I was also intrigued by the way some of the orphans at Hogar San Antonio have decided to use our donations to them. One girl in particular by the name of Lilian received a purse and immediately filled it with mints and started a little business. I can´t think of too many gringas who would do the same thing.
On another interesting note, apparently sunscreen does horrible things for my acne. Either that or I´ve contracted some form of weird Honduran skin disorder and will gradually turn into a capybara over a period of several weeks. I´ll let you know how that goes.
Overall, I have to say it´s been fun and rewarding as always. However, more than anything else, I really want to get home and see
faechylde. I´ll also have plenty of souvenirs to hand out as belated Yuletide gifts and such. Who will get the angry frog? Only time will tell.