Speedwriting Fill (old prompt): Trouble

Feb 15, 2016 16:11

Written and posted in a hurry, so sorry if there are any typos. I'll come back later and fix them.

Title: Trouble

Warnings: None

Rating: PG

Continuity: G1/Movieverse

Characters: Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Prowl, Jazz, Optimus Prime

Disclaimer: Don’t own

Prompt(s): March 12, 2011: “You’re only in trouble if you get caught!” and “Setting: in a banned location”

Notes: Kind of inspired by this

“We’re not supposed to be here.”


“We’re going to get in trouble!”

“You’re only in trouble if you get caught!”

“We still shouldn’t be here. Don’t you think it might be off-limits for a reason?”

“Rules are made to be broken!”

“The people who make the rules don’t think so.”

“Come on, Sunny! Lighten up. I’m tired of sitting around.”

“We’ve been sparring all day.”

“Sparring with you is the same as sitting around.”

“Why you-”

“Hah! You missed! And it’s not that challenging to fight someone who you know as well as yourself.”

“Point. But I can’t even keep watch here, with the hallway like this. We shouldn’t be here.”

“Who says?”

“The guys running this army?”

“Who put them in charge of us?”

“Um, we did? When we enlisted?”

“Oh, right. Well, I still say rules are made to be broken.”

“Sideswipe, we’re going to get in trouble. I don’t want to deal with that. We agreed we were starting new.”

“Starting new doesn’t mean I can’t explore a little bit.”

“It means not getting in trouble - which means staying out of restricted areas!”

“Relax, Sunny. Not like I’m going to go searching for top secret information or anything. I just wanna know why it’s restricted.”

“Come on, Sides. You’d still get in trouble. Let’s get out of here. I have a bad feeling.”

“Relax, will you, tight-aft? We’re not going to get in trouble!”

“What makes you so sure?”

“I’m just that good.”

“I still think we shouldn’t be here.”

“Ya’d prob’ly be wise t’ listen t’ yer brother there, mah mech.”

Sideswipe let out an unmechly squeak as he whirled away from the door he was trying to hack. Sunstreaker was standing behind him, looking sheepish. A small silver mech stood grinning at his side - with a small, energized dagger lifted to the yellow Twin’s chest seam.

“Ah will commend ya. Not many get this far,” the silver mech said. “An’ yer new t’ boot. Nobody new as ya guys has ever gott’n this far.”

Sunstreaker vented heavily, exasperated despite his precarious position. “You don’t know Sideswipe. He has a knack for getting into places he shouldn’t - and dragging me along with him.”

“Hm. Well, ya guys bett’r turn ‘round right now an’ get yer afts outta here. Ya ain’t actually in th’ restricted area yet, so I’ll let ya off with a warnin’. Jus’ don’ let me catch ya again.”


“Really, Sides? Again?”


“Why? You almost got me killed last time!”

“If he’d wanted to kill you, you’d be dead. Pretty sure that was like, the Spec-Ops Commander or something. Looks like he’s supposed to. All tiny and silver and stuff.”

“And he held me at knife-point, and you brought us back here again?”

“Why not? He let us go with just a warning. They won’t be expecting it. And I’m still curious.”



“Why do I let you drag me along on things like this?”

“Because you love me with all your spark!”

Sunstreaker muttered something.

“You will not kill me.”

A quiet vent. “Probably won’t have to, actually.”


“You know, when Jazz told me he’d caught someone trying to break in, I assumed he’d taken care of the matter completely. He is usually very thorough,” someone not the yellow Twin said.

“Eh heh...”

Sunstreaker vented again.

Standing in the entrance to the hall was a slim, black and white Praxian. The Second in Command of the Autobot army.They had seen him standing at the side of Optimus Prime when he gave a speech after they’d first joined. They had seen him walking the halls on occasion.

Sideswipe edged away from the door. “Um, what were we doing here, Sunny?”

“Don’t call me that.”

“Just what I was thinking! We’ll see you later, sir! Have a good orn, sir!”

Prowl didn’t move from where he stood in the center of the hallway.

“Um... Excuse me? We’ll just be going, sir. Wouldn’t want to get in your way.”

The Second lifted an optical ridge. “You’ll just be going? Very well. Do not let me catch you here again.”

“Yes, Sir!”


“Sideswipe. This is getting ridiculous.”

“Third time’s the charm!”

“Sideswipe. We’re going to get in trouble. Seriously, this is the third time!”

“I know.”

“Why are you so fragging curious about this door anyways?”

“It’s marked as a storage closet on the building floorplans.”

“... You seriously studied the floorplans of the entire building?”

“Well... the entire compound, really.”

“... You astound me every day.”

“Why thank you, brother.”

“It wasn’t a compliment.”

“I choose to take it as one.”

“Fine then. That still doesn’t explain why a storage room is so important.”

“Well, it’s restricted.”

“So? Maybe they store explosives here or something.”

“Those are kept in the armory. I already asked.”

“... Asked?”

“Yeah. Ironhide.”

“Oh, good Primus. He’s suspicious now, isn’t he?”

“Probably. Who cares?”

“‘Who cares’..? Well, then some dangerous thing. Maybe Spec-Ops. We did see Jazz.”

“No, Spec-Ops is in the basement.”


“I didn’t ask him if that’s what you’re asking. It’s just common sense.”

“... Really.”

“Yeah, where else would they be? On the roof?”

“Ha ha, very funny.”

“I thought so.”

“I still don’t know why you’re so determined to get in here.”

Sideswipe turned away from the door and stood to face his brother at optic level. “Because three orns ago, I saw Optimus Prime sneaking in here all sneaky-like-”

“‘Sneaking in all sneaky-like’?”

“Don’t interrupt. Anyways, yeah. All sneaky like. And they say it’s just a storage room. But then Jazz was here, and Prowl was here, and this damned door has got insane security on it, way crazier than the storage room where they keep the paint-”

“Tell me you didn’t.”

“-or any of the medical storage lockers-”

“... Sideswipe...”

“-or any of the other supply rooms I’ve... been interested in.”

“We’ve only been here a groon!”

“Anyways. The Prime sneaking around all sneaky-like, super jacked-up security, being caught by both Prowl and Jazz, two of the highest ranked mechs in the army... Yes. I’m curious.”

Sunstreaker sighed as Sideswipe turned back to the door at the end of the little offshoot hallway. “Fine. I’ll admit it’s odd. But... do you really have to just keep coming back and trying to break in? We’re going to get in trouble.”

“Yes, one of these times I do believe you will be getting into trouble,” a voice said behind them both. “This is the third time we’ve caught you like this.”

“Yeah. Mechs, what’cha thinkin’?”

Sunstreaker’s shoulders slumped as he took a deep vent. “Sirs... My brother suffers from acute inability to restrain his curiosity. I come along just to make sure he doesn’t get himself killed.”

“Traitor,” Sideswipe muttered.

Prowl and Jazz were standing side by side at the end of the tiny hallway.

Sideswipe eyed them. “You two were supposed to be in a meeting.”

The two commanders exchanged a glance. “How’d ya know that now, Siders?”

“Well, you guys have Command meetings every decaorn at this time.”

“Ya figured that out in a groon? Ah’m impressed.”

“Don’t compliment him, you’ll only make him worse,” Sunstreaker grumbled, and Jazz laughed.

“Prowl? Jazz? What’s going on here?” another voice asked. “Is something wrong?”

“No, Red Alert, nothing is wrong,” Prowl replied.

“Then why aren’t you inside yet?” A small red and white mech with faintly glowing sensor horns peeked around the corner.

“We’ve encountered a slight... delay, .”

“A delay?” a deep voice said. This one the Twins recognized. The Prime.

They exchanged a glance.

The Prime came around the corner and stared at the two mechs standing by the door. “What’s going on here?” he asked, not totally unkindly.

“These two have been tryin’ t’ get in there fer the last couple’a orns.”

“Unsuccessfully, I might add,” Red Alert added. “That door hasn’t been opened by anyone but us.”

“Why’re so many people standin’ out in the hallway?” Ironhide groused as he approached the group.

“We seem to have some infiltrators,” Prime said with a glimmer of amusement in his optics.

“Infiltrators..? Oh. Those two.”

“What remains to be understood, though,” Prowl said loudly, “is why these two seem so determined to be getting into a simple storage room.”

“No,” Sideswipe interrupted. “What remains to be seen is why so many officers are gathering at a storage room at a time when they’re supposed to be having a meeting.”

“Sides!” Sunstreaker hissed. ~Ever occur to you that this is where they go to have their super secret meetings?~

But despite the forwardness of Sideswipe’s interruption, the Prime laughed.

“What?” the red Twin demanded.

“They’re clever, I’ll say that,” the massive mech rumbled. “What do you think, Prowl? They might make good opponents.”

“Hm. Perhaps.”


Nobody payed Sideswipe any attention.


“Could be fun. Dunno, new mechs might mix it up a bit. An’ we wouldn’ have t’ worry about them breakin’ in anymore.”

Sideswipe and Sunstreaker exchanged a glance.

“Red Alert?”

“I don’t know. I don’t trust them.”

“I say sure,” volunteered Ironhide without prompting.

“Well. Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, do you know how to play Hexian Blitz?”


“You totally cheated last time.”

“That’s kinda the point of the game.”

“But you’re supposed to cheat with me! We’re twins! We’re supposed to cheat as a team!”

“Now, now, Sideswipe, that would be unfair,” Jazz chided from where he sat across the table, his feet propped up.

“I thought that was the point of the game,” the red Twin threw back with a grin.

The door slid open and Optimus Prime stepped through. “Hm. I thought I’d be the late one this time,” he rumbled.

“Nah, Prowler’s sortin’ out some troublemakers, so he’s gonna miss the first round. Not these two, surprisingly.”


“Sideswipe, you know you cause more trouble than anyone else on this base.”


“It’s the honest truth and you know it.”

“At least they make life interesting,” Optimus leaned over and whispered to Jazz, “even if they aren’t technically supposed to be here.”

“Yup. That they do,” Jazz said with a grin.

Sideswipe, who’d overheard, turned to them as he smiled. “I’m never where I’m supposed to be.”

“And you’re always getting in trouble,” Sunstreaker added with a sigh.

“Oh, not always, brother dearest. See, sometimes the rules are made to be broken.”

character: jazz, fandom: transformers movie'verse, fandom: transformers au'verse, character: optimus prime, content: speedwriting fill, content: fanfic, character: sideswipe, fandom: transformers g1'verse, character: sunstreaker, character: prowl

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